Sarah DUPRIEZ, violoncelliste
Sarah DUPRIEZ, violoncelliste
Violoncelliste de nature, Sarah Dupriez se produit en solo depuis toujours. De plus, sa
passion pour la musique de chambre la pousse à jouer énormément en groupes, notam-
ment avec des musiciens jeunes et de haut niveau (Lorenzo Gatto, Eliane Reyes, Jean-Luc
Votano, Elisabeth Deletaille, Elisabeth Wybou, Vincent Hepp, ...) et l'incite à créer des en-
sembles tels que le Duo TOSA avec la pianiste Tomoko Honda et le duo Volta Subito avec
le violoniste et altiste Vincent Hepp.
En dehors de cela, elle partage la scène des musiciens confirmés de son pays en des festi-
vals prestigieux.
Ses prestations de soliste se font également remarquer, et son nom prend très vite de l'en-
vergure en tant que professeur. En effet, elle est assistante de violoncelle et de musique de
chambre au Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles et professeur de violoncelle au centre Del
Sarah Dupriez est diplômée des Conservatoires Royaux de Bruxelles et d'Anvers, de
l'Académie Sibélius d'Helsinki et poursuit actuellement "Konzert-diplom" dans la classe
d'Arto Noras à Hambourg.
Sarah Dupriez was born in Brussels on November 3, 1984. Surrounded by music since always, she starts playing the cello thanks to Mr Suzuki's method of teaching under cellist Ruben Rivera. When he had to leave Brussels to form future Suzuki pedagogs in Lyon, Sarah entered the music school of Zaventem where she started music theory and got cello lessons from Viviane Spanoghe. But again, it seemed that she only got the best teachers because Mrs Spanoghe had to leave the music school since she became a teacher at the Royal Conservatory. The young girl was passionate about music and entered the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles for music theory classes though she wasn't even 14. For the cello lessons, Sarah went then to the music school of Waterloo where Claudine Steenackers took good care of her evolution. Because of her qualities on her last exam, the Gouvernment awarded her its Medal. Belfius Bank awarded her the second Prize of its Annual Musical Competition.
She was only 15 and the eminent cellist Marie Hallynck accepted her in her class and two years later, she was earning the First Prize for cello, the very same month as getting her secondary school education diploma for Physics and modern languages and the second prize of the "Concours franco-belge de violoncelle". This succes convinced her to go on with her musical education.
She went on with her studies at the Conservatoire, where she was elected President of the Students Board and took place in pedagogical councils. When obtaining the highest existing degree for cello with great distinction at only 20 years old, the question to go abroad was nothing but obvious. Finland attracted Sarah since she was 10, it is the country for cello. She was immediatly admitted at the Sibelius Academy, in the class of Martti Rousi. This fantastic cellist, in addition to be a runner-up and jury member of Tchaikovsky competition is made of the kindest sort. With him, she learned to develop her personal artistic soul and thanks to the finnish music education system, she got plenty of hours to develop her technical skills.
When coming back from her studies in Finland, she won the Servais Prize of the Servais cello national competition for young professionals.
Just as passionate by teaching as by playing, she decided to follow the specific education program for musicians that is organised by the Artesis schools in the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp. There, psychology and knowledge about childrens evolution became as much a matter as communication and methodology.That summer, at the Pablo Casals Festival of Prades where she used to go every year, she met Arto Noras, the great Finnish cellist. He approached her and suggested her to follow him to Hamburg for a third cyclus of studies. Honoured and thrilled by this perspective, she accepted and got accepted at the Musikhochschule.
Just two days after the entrance exams results, Sarah Dupriez got the letter from the Conservatoire of her home town, Brussels, to ask her to become an assistant of her former teacher Marie Hallynck, and to teach chamber music. She of course decided to do both. For two and a half years, she drove between Brussels to continue her concerts and teaching career and Hamburg where she completed a Konzertexamen and won the third prize of the Elise Meyer international competition.
When hearing her performance of Dvorak Concerto with the Hamburger Symphoniker under Christof Prick, Professor Noras was stunned by her soloistic reliabitliy.
Since then, she performs as a soloist, as a chamber musician and teaches in her home town, Brussels. She got positions as Cello teacher for initiation and academic levels in the Muziekacademie van Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe en Ukkel, where she also teaches music theory and musical culture. In addition to that, she also teaches in the music universities of Brussels "Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles" and Namur "Institut de Musique et de Pedagogie".
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